Peter Davison – Mahler’s Ninth Symphony: personal valediction or Faustian transformation?

Peter DavisP1010393-001on was, for over twenty years, Artistic Consultant to The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester UK, where he created a high-quality classical music program, including the hall’s International Concert Series. He studied Musicology at Cambridge University, writing a thesis on the Nachtmusiken from Mahler’s Seventh Symphony, which led to an invitation to speak about his research at the 1989 Mahler Symposium in Paris. He also contributed to the Festschrift for Henri Louis de la Grange’s Seventieth birthday in 1994. In 2001, he edited Reviving the Muse, a book about the future of musical composition, and in 2010 published Wrestling with Angels about the life and work of Gustav Mahler to accompany The Bridgewater Hall’s acclaimed Centenary Symphony Cycle. He presented a paper at the 2016 Colorado Mahlerfest on the Seventh Symphony.

Colorado MahlerFest is delighted to share Davison’s latest essay on the many layers of meaning to be found in  Mahler’s Ninth Symphony


Mahler's Ninth Personal valediction or Faustian transformation Mar 2022 (1)

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