What’s On at MF XXXII

MahlerFest XXXII sees us starting our fourth cycle of Mahler symphonies with a performance of his First Symphony in its final New York 1910 version under the baton of Kenneth Woods.

Throughout the festival, we’ll be exploring breakthrough works of youthful genius, Mahler the arranger and Mahler arranged, and the link between Beethoven and Mahler.

Join us for MahlerFest XXXII!


"Generation Next - Mahler's Musical Heirs" Friday, May 19, 2023 | 7:30 PM | $5-30 Chamber Music at the Church
Film: Ken Russell's Mahler (1974) Thursday, May 18, 2023 | 7 PM | $5-10 The Boedecker Theater at the Dairy Arts
"Solo Journeys” Thursday, May 18, 2023 | 3 PM | $5-20 Chamber Music at the Church Mountain View United Methodist
"Donor Event: Backstage at Macky" Thursday, May 18, 2023 | 10:30 AM & 11:30 AM | FREE FOR DONORS Macky
Below is a list of all of the open rehearsals for MahlerFest XXXVI, Rise Again, May 17-21, 2023. You are welcome
"Opera and More: Wagner and Gál" Wednesday, May 17, 2023 | 7:30 PM | $5-50 Kenneth Woods & Peter Davison
Social dinners and other activities will be added as they are scheduled. As of March 9, 2023, this calendar includes
For information about the Symposium on Saturday, May 20, click here.   "Violin Masterclass with Caroline Chin" Monday, May 15,
One of the things that makes MahlerFest so special is the community we build when Mahlerites come together. Many of
Click on the logos in the map for more information about each location.   The Academy 970 Aurora Avenue, Boulder,
Join us for this FREE online event April 23, 2023 at 4PM MDT* Registration Required Visit the Auction Site *Video
As we prepare to perform Act 1 of Wagner's Die Walküre (Wednesday, May 18, 2023) there was a lot of