Inclusivity Stipend for Orchestra Musicians

Orchestra Inclusivity Stipend

To support our DEI initiatives, please visit this page and choose “DEI Programs” in the “Designation” dropdown.


One of the ways MahlerFest is choosing to address inequalities in the orchestra world is to offer a stipend to those who may not otherwise be able to participate in our orchestra. Marginalized communities often experience barriers of many types to participation in the arts. While a stipend does not address all of those barriers, it is one method by which MahlerFest can promote increased diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Colorado MahlerFest Orchestra. The stipend may be used to cover any costs associated with participation including but not limited to transportation, meals, instrument maintenance, coaching, and/or replaced wages from missed work. 

If you are a member of any marginalized community, please consider applying for this stipend. More information and the application can be found here

Under Artistic Director Kenneth Woods, The Colorado MahlerFest Orchestra draws together young professionals, conservatory and university students, and advanced amateurs under the leadership of an inspiring team of Festival Artists – principals, tutors, and mentors – to create an ensemble that blends aspiration and inspiration. This stipend is open to musicians of the highest caliber whose participation will contribute to the overall quality of the orchestra. MahlerFest will consider musicians from any marginalized community with preference given to those from racially and ethnically diverse communities as well as those whose financial status have made participation in the arts challenging.

For MahlerFest XXXVI (2023), stipend amounts will range from $200 to $600. MahlerFest expects to award four to ten stipends.