Book Review: Stephen Johnson, The Eighth: Mahler and his World in 1910 During the Mahler anniversaries of 2010-11, Norman Lebrecht published a book called Why Mahler? Now, as then, even the most Review: New Breitkopf & Härtel edition of Mahler Symphony No. 1 As Assistant Conductor at the Colorado MahlerFest this May, I had the great pleasure of using the new Breitkopf edition MahlerFest XXXII in Review - By Kelly Dean Hansen BEYERS, DEVANE, KOREVAAR STANDOUT PERFORMERS AT MAHLERFEST XXXII By Kelly Dean Hansen, Freelance Classical Music Writer Published "Wunderhorn" the Journal Podcast - Kenneth Woods in conversation with Chris Mohr about MahlerFest XXXII Originally aired on KGNU Radio in Boulder, here's a recent conversation between our Artistic Director, Kenneth Woods, and broadcaster Chris Breakthroughs- The Threads and Themes of MahlerFest XXXII By Kenneth Woods In all the long history of symphonic music, with the possible exception of Berlioz, there has probably Mahler's Orchestration of Beethoven's 'Leonore' Overture No. 3 - An Essay by David Pickett The main orchestra concert of MahlerFest XXXII opens with a performance of Beethoven's 'Leonore" Overture No. 3 incorporating Mahler's 'Retuschen". Kenneth Woods on the Great Mahler 1 Debate On the 19th of May, Colorado MahlerFest will give the world premiere of the new Critical Edition of Mahler's First Colorado MahlerFest to Present World Premiere of New Critical Edition of Mahler’s First Symphony 26 March 2019 – For Immediate Release “The Colorado MahlerFest in and around the city of Boulder is one Conductor's Welcome (2019) What is it about MahlerFest? When I came to Boulder for my first festival in 2016, I really didn’t know Kenneth Woods on Beethoven (arr. Mahler) String Quartet in F Minor op 95 “Serioso” Beethoven (arr. Mahler)- String Quartet in F minor, op. 95 “Serioso” We often think of Beethoven as having three basic Recovery and Renewal- The Threads and Themes of MahlerFest XXXI -- By Kenneth woods Gustav Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde is a work that ends with the beginning of Unfinished/Unheard- The ideas and themes behind the programming of MF XXX Unfinished/Unheard -- By Kenneth Wooods In the 100+ years since his death, Mahler’s 10th Symphony has become possibly the most Visiting Composer David Matthews on Mahler 10 2017 Visiting Composer David Matthews and his brother Colin played a key role in the preparation of the final versions of Guest Blog: Colin Matthews "Tempo Relationships in the Adagio of Mahler's Tenth Symphony" Tempo Relationships in the Adagio of Mahler's Tenth Symphony; and two wrong notes -- Colin Matthews (Originally published in The What is it about Mahler’s Seventh Symphony? Mahler hiking in The Dolomite Mountains Mahler was a very busy conductor and composed only in the summers, in the « Previous 1 2 3 4 Next »