For the Love of Mahler:
The Inspired Life of Henry-Louis de La Grange
For the Love of Mahler presents a portrait of the famed French-American music historian Henry-Louis de La Grange, who passed away on January 27, 2017. The film, made when Henry-Louis was 90, joins him on his annual migration from Marrakech to Paris and to the Italian Alps, while he busily works on revising his epic four-volume biography of Gustav Mahler. How Mahler’s music inspired his life, and how Henry-Louis channeled what could have been a self-indulgent obsession into a lifetime of groundbreaking discoveries, famous friendships and award winning accomplishment, demonstrates the remarkable power of music to change lives.
A Film By Jason Starr *
- Pierre Boulez
- Riccardo Chailly
- Nicolas Dufetel
- Christoph Eschenbach
- Gaston Fournier-Facio
- Thomas Hampson *
- Stephen Hefling *
- Marina Mahler
- Bruno Megevand
- Vincent Mouret
- Blaise Orsini
- Alena Parthonnaud
- Claude Samuel
- Morten Solvik *
- Francoise Xenakis
Names above with an * have participated in the Colorado MahlerFest.

Henry-Louis de La Grange with Anna, Gustav Mahler’s daughter. Photo credit: Médiathèque Musicale Mahler