Songs of Protest and Defiance

Songs of Protest and Defiance
May 15, 2025 @ 3:00 PM

From the battle cry of “La Marseillaise” in the French Revolution to the unforgettable strains of “We Shall Overcome” in the Civil Rights era, when we raise our voices in the most important protests, we do so in song. From Mahler’s damning indictments of the futility of war and insanity of monarchy to Shostakovich’s profane denunciation of Stalin in his 14th Symphony, our assembled team of world-class singers presents an afternoon of song like no other.
FREE EVENT – No tickets or registration required
MAHLER | “Revelge” (Reveille)
SAWYERS | Songs of Loss and Regret
MAHLER | “Der Tamboursg’sell” (The Drummer Boy)
MAHLER | “Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen” (Where the Fair Trumpets Sound)
SCHUBERT | “Kriegers Ahnung” (Warrior’s Foreboding)
SHOSTAKOVICH | “Réponse des Cosaques Zaporogues au Sultan de Constantinople”
(Response of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Sultan of Constantinople) from Symphony No. 14
MAHLER | “Lob des hohen Verstandes” (Praise of Lofty Intellect)
Spirituals and protest songs TBD
Gustav Andreassen, Hannah Benson, Alice Del Simone, Brennen Guillory, Andrew Konopak, Ryan Hugh Ross, vocalists
Jennifer Hayghe, piano

Ryan Hugh Ross

Hannah Benson